
Friday, August 28, 2015

Week of August 31-September 4, 2015

It was a great first week Falcons we made it!  I want to thank you all for a great first week.  This week in Honors Literature we will start reading "The Dog of Pompeii" by Lois Untermeyer.  We have already learned about the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius and the destruction of Pompeii and Herculaneum.  "The Dog of Pompeii" is considered a historical fiction story which means that the characters were made up but the historical accounts are fact.

This coming week we will be covering characterization, figurative speech (similes), concrete and sensory details.

Project for this story:  Students will write a historical fictional essay.  They will also create a mosaic or bulla. 

Technology Literacy this week we will be learning about Blogs. 

Students need to wear their school uniforms only--white polo and jeans!  No hoodies, pullovers or torn jeans allowed!

The money for the Falcon spirit shirt is due on Monday-Aug. 31

Students interested in signing up for the Reading Club may do so next week.  Our students will be reading "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain.  Those students that read it during the summer will have the opportunity to discuss and analyze the novel with me. 

Parents students received a syllabus the first day of school with a list of novels that will be read this year in 6th grade.  Parents are responsible to buy the novels for your child.  I will be ordering copies of the novels which I will then sell to students. 

Mt. Vesuvius--Pompeii

Class Syllabus:
"You can find MAGIC wherever you look. RELAX, all you need is a BOOK. –Dr. Seuss

Teacher:                       Mrs. Aide M. Pena

School Phone #:          956-352-6324

Email:                  or 

Welcome to the 2015-2016 academic year!  Just like all of you I am delighted about this new academic school year; it is going to be rewarding as well as a challenging year.  My expectations are high but together we will ensure all of you experience success and achieve total mastery.

As readers, sixth graders experience more sophisticated works of literature for study and analysis in the classroom.  When you walk in this classroom you will give and receive respect, attention, and knowledge but in order to ensure an ideal learning environment everyone must need to follow the rules and procedures set by the teacher.

Materials: Some items will only be brought by my homeroom as indicated others will be brought by all students as indicated.

Ø  2 composition notebooks (ALL STUDENTS)

Ø  2 packs of pencils (ALL STUDENTS)

Ø  2 boxes of Kleenex (HOMEROOM)

Ø  1 box of crayons or markers (HOMEROOM)

Ø  1 11/2 inch binder (ALL STUDENTS)

Ø  2 packs of notebook paper (ALL STUDENTS)

Ø  2 glue sticks (HOMEROOM)

Ø  1 pair scissors (HOMEROOM)

Ø  1 package highlighters (ALL STUDENTS)

Ø  1 package sheet protectors (ALL STUDENTS)

Ø  The assigned reading novel (ALL STUDENTS)


ü  Provide an enrichment program to stimulate the talents of G/T students.

ü  Guide students to develop a healthy self-concept and to acquire complex skills for collaborative conflict resolution and teamwork.

ü  Implement the principles of divergent thinking and foster higher order thinking skills such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

ü  Promote creative problem-solving for real world issues.

ü  Provide opportunities for self-directed learning and assessment.

ü  Arrange experiences which promote the ongoing development of tasks commitment and adjustment to rapid change.

ü  Encourage an attitude of responsible service to others.

ü  Promote a global perspective in which the students can interact with their peers and with outstanding adults.

ü  Assist students in making career choices which help them to become productive, well-rounded citizens.

ü  Achieve and maintain an A on ALL reading assignments, projects, quizzes, and the tests.

ü  Achieve a 90 or above on STAAR exam.

Grading: Class work homework, class participation, quizzes, projects and weekly reading journal will be 75% of the six weeks grade.  Six Weeks or Novel Final Exam shall have the value of 25%. A minimum of 2 grades per week will be given.  The semester grade will be the average of the three six-week grades.

I will not assign a grade of “A” for late work.  I will count 10 points off per day for late work.  If work is turned in and is of good quality, it will not be assigned a grade lower than a “70”.  Work not turned in will be recorded as NHI (not handed in) or M (missing) on the student portal so that grade reports will compute the grade as zero until handed in.

o  REQUIRED MATERIALS. Bring the following materials to class each day:
-Two sharpened pencils
-Composition Notebooks


-We enter the classroom in a calm, quiet manner. Sharpen your pencil if necessary and take a seat.

-Remember: Once the door is closed, you must be in your seat and working. (That means having the necessary materials out on your desk.)


-When I hold up my hand I will say, "Give me five." That means the entire class should be absolutely silent and still within 5 seconds.


-Quietly raise your hand and wait for teacher to acknowledge you.


-Your responsibilities in this class are to: be on time, be prepared, and be productive.All team members are expected to be polite and respectful to one another---and that includes the teacher. 

No student will be allowed to disrupt the learning of his or her classmates.
o  When you finish assignments early:

-If you finish all your assigned work early you may: a) read independently; b) work on extra credit; c) write in your reading journal; d) work on an assignment for another class.


- If you are absent you are expected to make up any work you missed. On the day you return, check with the teacher for missed assignments.

-Homework, when assigned, will be due at the beginning of class.  Have it out on your desk ready to be picked up. Make sure the assignment has your full name, class period, and date.


-Two minutes before class ends, I will tell you to start getting packed up. We will straighten the room. Then, I will give you any last minute instructions and I will dismiss you.

o  TARDINESS. You are expected to be in your seat when I close the door. If you come in late and do not have a pass, quietly sign the tardy sheet at the front of the room. You are allowed four unexcused tardies for the six weeks. The fifth unexcused tardy will result in a referral and a call home.

Tardies 1-4—Teacher records and warns student

Tardy 5—Referral to administrator. Parent Contact

           Tardy 6- Referral and Parent, Teacher, Administrator Meeting

            Tardy 7- Referral and ISS at home campus (if provided)

            Tardy 8+ - Referral and student will be transferred to home campus.

o  RESTROOM PASSES. You are expected to use the restroom between classes. No bathroom passes (or any passes) will be issued the first 15 minutes of class and the last 15 minutes of class. You are allowed two passes (of any kind) per six weeks. Use them wisely.


1.     Follow directions quickly and the first time they are given.

2.     Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.

3.     Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourselves.

4.     Respect your classmates and your teachers.

5.     Adhere to district uniform policy at all times.

6.     Keep your Teachers Happy  J


Everything we do in life has consequences. Consequences are the things that happen to you when you choose not to obey the rules. This is what will happen if you choose to violate one or more of the classroom rules.

1.    Verbal Warning/Reassignment of seat

2.    Student and Teacher Conference

3.    Parent Contact: Letter or Phone call

4.    Parent and Teacher Conference/with Student

5.    Referral to Principal

-During special circumstances first 4 steps can be bypassed.



Parent/Legal Guardian by signing below you are acknowledging that you have read and fully understand the content of the syllabus/procedures and rules of this classroom and are in agreement of the possible consequences.

This is not a formal contract simply a tool being utilized to help assure student success at our campus.

Students have to be held accountable for their decisions and actions in order to ensure a positive and safe learning environment for all.

This document will be used to assist in determining the student’s future at Ac2E Middle School. 

6th Grade Honors Literature

Teacher: Mrs. Aidé M. Peña

Class Period: _______________


Student Name: _________________________________________________________

Student Signature:         ______________________________________________________


Parent name: ___________________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________________

Contact Phone Number: __________________________________________________

Thank you for your cooperation, and together let’s make this academic year a special one.


Cheating Policy:

Anyone who participates in cheating on a test, project or other assignments will receive a zero for that grade.  There is no reason why cheating is ever excusable.  If you did not understand an assignment, then let me know and I will explain it to you and grant you an extension.



There will be several projects throughout the six weeks based on the novels we are reading. Students should be prepared to work on their own or in groups.  Projects will consist of classroom activities as well as project that will be assigned to done at home.  The students will be given the information for the projects ahead of time and will be given plenty of time to complete them.



Being present in class every day in important.  Every day will build on skills needed for completing assignments.  It is imperative that you attend class on a daily basis, as failure to do so will result in you missing out on important information.  AFTER 3 ABSENCES, STUDENT WILL BE REFERRED TO ADIMINISTRATION.



This class will have a blog where I will be posting reminders, due dates, discussion questions, quotes to be discussed in class, and other topics that pertain to the class.  Sometimes it will be daily and sometimes will be weekly depending on the information that needs to be given.  Students and parents should check the blog daily to make sure that no new information has been posted.  Students will be able to comment on the blog and participate in discussions on blog.



If you have any questions feel free to come in and see me during my 8th and 9th planning periods which are from 1:50 p.m. to 3:35 p. m.  You may also call me at 956-352-6324.

1st Six Weeks-- 1st Novel “The Giver” by Lois Lowry
2nd Six Weeks--2nd Novel “Esperanza Rising” Pam Muñoz
3rd Six Weeks--3rd Novel “Out of the Dust” by Karen Hesse
4th Six Weeks--4th Novel “Once” by Morris Gleitzman
5th Six Weeks--5th Novel “The Cay” by Theodore Taylor
6th Six Weeks--6th Novel “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” by J. K. Rowling


***Students are required to purchase their own novels.  They may purchase novel on electronic device.  However, they may NOT purchase audio version of novel***



If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.


“Today a READER, Tomorrow a LEADER”

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Week of August 24-28, 2015

Welcome back to the 2015 - 2016 school year. Hopefully, you had a restful and enjoyable summer and are ready to return to another exciting year at Ac2E Middle School.  I will be your Reading teacher this year and have been very busy setting up our classroom and getting it ready for your arrival. I look forward to the challenge of another year and the opportunity to work together with you.

6th Grade Honors Literature
Teacher: Mrs. Aide M. Pena
Room: 7062
School Phone: 956-352-6324
email address:

Students will be receiving their syllabus and important forms on the first day of school, August 24, 2015.  Please read syllabus with your child, sign and return it to me before August 26, 2015.  All other forms must be read and returned to me no later than August 26, 2015.  

Contents in my syllabus:
*List of materials
*Rules for classroom and school

List of Novels for this academic school year
1. "The Giver" by Lois Lowry
2. "Esperanza Rising" by Pam Munoz
3. "Out of the Dust" by Karen Hesse
4. "Once" by Morris Gleitzman
5. "The Cay" by Theodore Taylor
6. "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" by J. K. Rowling