
Sunday, December 15, 2013

December 16-20, 2013

Students will be taking District Benchmarks in Math and Reading this week both 6th and 7th grade Falcons. Parents once again I ask you to please make sure your son/daughter comes to school everyday this week because we are still in teaching and learning mode. Students you have the study guides (brochures) that you need to be studying until the day before the exams. It is imperative that you all get a good night sleep before each exam and that you come with your thinking hats on ready to excel. I want to wish every student good luck!
Benchmarks will be administered as follows: December 17 (Math) and December 18 (Reading)

Monday--Review for Reading
Tuesday--Math District Benchmark (all teachers will be testing)
Wednesday--Reading District Benchmark (all teachers will be testing)
Thursday--Go over Reading Benchmark
Friday--Christmas Party (Early Release)

Let's SOAR Falcons!
I want to wish everyone a Merry Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May everyone stay safe!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

December 9-13, 2013

On the 18th of December our students will be taking a District Benchmark for reading.
This week we will be working to prepare for this exam.  Parents please make sure your son/daughter come to school everyday this week and next week also.  I realize that the holidays are approaching but the learning process has not been put on hold.  We are still teaching because our students need to be prepared for the future. 

Mon.--Review for the District Benchmark
Tues.--Review for the District Benchmark
Wed.--Review for the District Benchmark
Thurs.--Review for the District Bencmark
Fri.--Field Trip--our students will be watching part II of The Hobbit, "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug".

The students will also be working on their Thinking Map Book for "Esperanza Rising" and other projects to break the monotony of reviewing.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

December 2-6, 2013

     Let's get ready for the fourth week in the 3rd Six Weeks.  We will be reading the last chapters of "Esperanza Rising" and finishing up the in class projects.  We will be having a District Benchmark December 18th so we need to really concentrate, focus and do the work we are assigned.  Our goal is to pass with a 90% or higher.  In order to do this we need to work hard and responsibly.  So Falcons let's put our brains in gear and SOAR!
     This week progress reports will be sent home.