
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Week of February 23-27, 2015:

This is the first week of the 5th Six Weeks and we will be working very hard for the approaching STAAR State Exam. Students we are not done yet we have a long way to go so be prepared everyday. I would like to congratulate our students for a great job on their benchmarks but it does not mean that you let your guard down. We still have a lot of work ahead of us.  
My expectations for all students is to succeed at everything you possibly can. It means to accomplish, master, understand, and complete tasks, concepts, and processes at your grade level and beyondor beyond what you are used to doing.

To succeed just follow the list below on a daily basis:
1. Be prepared. Do your work.
2. Do your work well. Do all your work.
3. Do your work on time. Take homework seriously.
4. Turn in your homework. Try hard.
5. Put forth effort. Bring all your supplies to class.
6. Be ready to learn. Study for tests. Listen.
7. Participate. Listen and learn from others.
8. Share your ideas. Finish what you start.
9. Reflect on your work. Make good decisions.
10. Push yourself beyond the easy. Don’t settle for mediocre work.
11. Try new things. Ask for help.

Honors Literature:
This week we will be learning the elements of poetry.  Students will learn to analyze a poem for better understanding.  On Wednesday we will be writing an essay for TELPAS--Prompt--Past Event-Reflective Writing-Narrative about something that happened or that you did that was disappointing, unforgettable, surprising, interesting, unexpected, funny, unfair, etc.

This week we will be designing our garden boxes for our vegetables and fruits.  

Mon--5th Six Weeks Begins, Panoramic Picture, Book Fair
Tues--Book Fair
Wed--Book Fair
Thur--Book Fair Ends, University T-Shirt Day
Fri--Starr County Youth Fair Field Trip, Spirit T-Shirt Day

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Week of February 16-20, 2015

District Benchmark #2 This Week

We had a great week continuing with activities on The Giver and reviewing for our reading benchmark. Students received a reading review packet that should help with the benchmark.  Students should be studying this review daily.  This week will be very busy so we need to rest, sleep and eat well.  Please be sure to attend school every day and be on time. This is the last week of the six weeks and our students will be taking a reading and math benchmark. 

Horticulture students enjoyed watering their plants.  Our plants are growing like weeds.  We are planning to build some garden boxes for our plants.

Students need to pay $2.00 for Youth Fair we are scheduled to go on Feb. 27
We are collecting money for the end-of-year trip. Students should be paying for the
Monday  02/16/2015
7th wk of the 6Weeks    
TELPAS testing begins 
Book Fair Begins
President's Day
Tuesday  02/17/2015
 6th & 7th Gr. Math  District Benchmark
8th Gr. Social Studies
Book Fair
Wednesday  02/18/2015
 6th & 7th Gr. Reading  District Benchmark
8th Gr. Science
Ash Wednesday
Book Fair
Thursday  02/19/2015
College T-Shirt Day
Book Fair
Friday  02/20/2015
4th Six Weeks Ends
Regional Science Fair @ UTB
Book Fair
Saturday  02/21/2015
Regional Science Fair @ UTB

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Week of February 9-13, 2015

We have finished reading The Giver.  Jonas escapes the community with Gabriel after he finds out that his father will be releasing Gabariel in the morning.  Jonas along with Gabriel face starvation, freezing temperatures and the unknown while escaping the community.  They finally get to a hill where he sees a sled and hears music.  He feels that he has finally arrived to Elsewhere.  The question here is has he arrived to Elsewhere or is it just a dream?

Honors Literature:
Monday--Final Exam on The Giver
Tuesday--Reading Review
Wednesday--Math Review
Thursday--Drama, Analyze Diction
Friday--STAAR Practice Passage

Interpret biotechnology's use in plant science.

Feb. 13--Student Dance
Feb. 17-18--District Benchmarks--Reading and Math (6th Grade)
Feb. 23--Panoramic Group Picture
Feb. 27--Starr County Youth Fair (fee $2.00 due Monday Feb. 9)

April 3--Fee Due for Final of the Year Trip $100.00

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Week of Feb. 2-6, 2015

We have arrived to the climax of The Giver.  We are now going to find out what happens to Jonas, the Giver and Gabriel.  So many questions: If Jonas is giving Gabriel the memories will Gabriel remember them as he gets older?  Who can Jonas really trust in his community? If his father lied about the actual meaning of being released, who else has lied to him? We will find out all.

Honors Literature Class:
Mon.--Analyze Plot Climax(Turning Point), Falling Action
Tues.--Analyze Test Structure Compare and Contrast
Wed.--Metaphors, Analyze Poetry
Thurs.--Drama, Analyze Diction
Fri.--STAAR Review

Mon.--Explain agriculture plants and their uses.
Tues.--Classify plants as annuals, biennials or perennials.
Wed.--Identify common and noxious weeds. Classify growth characteristics of weeds.
Thurs.--Photosynthesis, Respiration and Transpiration process.

Students have finished their Topiaries.  We are now working on our vegetable and fruit garden.

Mon.--Groundhog Day
Thurs.--University T-Shirt
Fri.--Spirit T-Shirt and National Wear Red Day

Upcoming Events:
Feb. 10 and 11--District Benchmarks
Feb. 13--Student Dance
Feb. 14--Valentine's Day
Feb. 17 and 18--District Benchmarks