
Sunday, January 19, 2014

Week of January 20-24, 2014

We have started reading "The Giver" by Lois Lowry and everyone is very excited with the book. Students will be given 5 chapters per week to read.  The students have been given discussion questions to allow them to write how they feel and think about what they read.  Teacher and students will discuss the chapters in depth and teacher will answer any questions students might ask. 

Monday--Pre-reading activity (Look at the picture on the book's front cover: a. Describe the man b. What does the expression on his face indicate? c. What do you think the torn photo is about?
Does your family have schedules, rituals, or routines that are followed daily? What are they?)
Read About the Author and book summary
Tuesday--Introuduce the vocabulary for chapters 1-5, Vocabulary Activity (Use a thesarus to find synonyms and antonyms for the words).
Wednesday--Discuss chapters 1 and 2 with students
Thursday--Discuss chapters 3, 4, and 5 with students
Friday--Assessment Chapters 1-5
Enrichment/Project--Read All About It!  Students will pretend they are reporters for the community and they will gather facts and report news as it happens.  Students will present to class.

Monday--Enhancing Your Sentence Style pg. 559
Tuesday--How can I make my sentences flow more smoothly? pg. 560
Wednesday--Kamico STAAR Connection Students use elements of the writing process (revising and editing).
Thursday--Kamico STAAR Connection Students use elements of the writing process (revising and editing).
Enrichment/Project--Let the Ceremonies Begin! Students will design posters, banners or signs to advertise the upcoming event Ceremonies in "The Giver."

My favorite saying by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "Intelligence plus character that is the goal of a true education".

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