
Sunday, February 15, 2015

Week of February 16-20, 2015

District Benchmark #2 This Week

We had a great week continuing with activities on The Giver and reviewing for our reading benchmark. Students received a reading review packet that should help with the benchmark.  Students should be studying this review daily.  This week will be very busy so we need to rest, sleep and eat well.  Please be sure to attend school every day and be on time. This is the last week of the six weeks and our students will be taking a reading and math benchmark. 

Horticulture students enjoyed watering their plants.  Our plants are growing like weeds.  We are planning to build some garden boxes for our plants.

Students need to pay $2.00 for Youth Fair we are scheduled to go on Feb. 27
We are collecting money for the end-of-year trip. Students should be paying for the
Monday  02/16/2015
7th wk of the 6Weeks    
TELPAS testing begins 
Book Fair Begins
President's Day
Tuesday  02/17/2015
 6th & 7th Gr. Math  District Benchmark
8th Gr. Social Studies
Book Fair
Wednesday  02/18/2015
 6th & 7th Gr. Reading  District Benchmark
8th Gr. Science
Ash Wednesday
Book Fair
Thursday  02/19/2015
College T-Shirt Day
Book Fair
Friday  02/20/2015
4th Six Weeks Ends
Regional Science Fair @ UTB
Book Fair
Saturday  02/21/2015
Regional Science Fair @ UTB

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