
Thursday, October 22, 2015

Week of October 26-30, 2015

Falcons we are now going into the 4th week of the second six weeks. We have now finished reading "The Giver."  Jonas has found out that Gabriel will be released.  Jonas goes to the Giver and tells him that he is going to escape and take Gabriel with him.
This is a summary of the last chapter:
 One day, it snows, leaving Jonas and Gabriel cold, hungry, and exhausted. Jonas has just a few memories left from The Giver, but he finds one of sunshine and transmits it to Gabriel. Soon, though, the snow makes it impossible for Jonas to bicycle up the hill he is on. He abandons the bike and carries Gabriel. When the memory of sunshine is gone, he focuses on his memories of his friends, family, and The Giver. These memories, and his intense desire to keep Gabriel safe, help him make it to the top of the hill.
When he reaches the top of the hill, Jonas recognizes it. He also sees a sled. Jonas and Gabriel ride the sled downhill. At the bottom of the hill, Jonas sees rooms full of colored lights. He is certain that there are people inside those rooms who keep their memories and understand what love is, and who are waiting for him and Gabriel. From the houses, he hears what he knows must be music, and realizes that the people are singing. Jonas also thinks he hears music playing far behind him, where his old community is located, but he can't be sure. It could be real, or it could be an echo.

Question: Do Jonas and Gabriel actually survive?  Did they actually get to Elsewhere?

Next Week:
Honors Literature
Monday--Anti Bully Presentation, Fall Pictures Day (Students will be able to come out of uniform this day.  Sunday's Best), Types of Conflicts
Tuesday--Types of Conflict in "The Giver"
Wednesday--Fall Jamaica, Early Release, Students can come out of uniform this day--NO COSTUMES. 
Friday--Social/Lock-In at Peter Piper Pizza, Students can wear costumes to school. 

Google Docs

$25 for Lock-In
$5 for Jamaica
End of Year fee is $130 or two payments of $65--One due by December 4, 2015 and payment #2 by March 4, 2016.

Red Ribbon Week:
Monday--Join the fight against drugs.  Students may wear their favorite Camouflage shirt.
Tuesday--I'm too Bright for Drugs!!! Students may wear their favorite Bright shirt.
Wednesday-- Hats off to being drug free. Students may wear their favorite Hat/Cap. 
Thursday--TEAM UP Against Drugs!!! Students may wear their favorite Team Shirt/College shirt/ Campus College shirt.
Friday--Say "BOO" to drugs or support relay for life!!! Students may wear an APPROPRIATE HALLOWEEN COSTUME, or Pink Shirt. 

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