
Sunday, September 15, 2013

Course Description-Honors Literature and Writing and Composition

Honors Literature
Students will read literature from many genres and culturally diverse works. Reading instruction will include novel studies. They will analyze and critique what they read to get them prepared for college. Students will read in depth and learn to be critical readers and thinkers. We will be reading 5 novels this year which will demand the highest level of participation, effort, and quality from students.

Honors Writing and Composition
Creative writing will explore different genres of writing with the main goal of inspiring amazing ideas and constructing original pieces. They will be required to write a research paper. Students will learn to write a critique so they can become analytical and critical thinkers. This class will be demanding, stresses concept development, emphasizes independent study, and student research.

Honors classes require students to utilize habits of independent analysis, creativity, collaboration, leadership, and intellectual skills.

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