
Sunday, September 15, 2013


Project #1
The Dog of Pompeii
You will build a 3D model of the forum as described in the story and from the pictures I have shown you.  The forum was the center of Pompeii. 
Along with the 3D model you are to write an essay about what you have learned about the city of Pompeii before and after the eruption of Mt. Vesuvius.
The project is due no later than October 25, 2013. 

Project #2

 The Dog of Pompeii  

Historical Fictional Essay, Mosaic Artwork and Bulla Project
     First students are to read the story, “The Dog of Pompeii.”  Students are then to research what life was like for a 12 year old child in Pompeii 79 AD.  They are to write a historical fiction essay about an adventure they have with their dog or pet.  The students will also create one of the following projects, an art mosaic of their dog or pet or a bulla (which is a necklace that all children were given and worn around their necks until they married).  The students will read their story to the class, show their mosaic or bulla. This lesson ties in with 6th grade history of ancient Rome.

Writing guidelines:
You can choose to be in any social class and live either in the city or the country.  You must get information about ancient Roman life to make your story accurate historically.

Some questions to lead your research:
·        What was life like in 79 AD? (look at lifestyles for this)
·       What was it like to be a 12 year old child in the year 79 AD in Pompeii?
·        Were you a member of the rich or poor class?
·        What did you eat?
·        Where did you live—what kind of house or building?
·        What did your parents do?
·        What did your clothes look like?
·        And of course what was your Roman name and the name of your dog or pet?

 Use the following sites to help you get started on your research:
Ancient Rome for Kids--
This site has lots of good links to all kinds of online resources about life in Ancient Rome. 

The Romans

Roman names for boys

Roman names for girls

Pompeii-Unraveling and Ancient History

This story should be:
·        2 pages long, typed in 12 point (font), Times New Roman or Helvetica
·        Make sure you have a CREATIVE cover page with your name, the title of paper, date, Honors Literature, Mrs. A. Peña
·        You must have a story (narrative), some kind of adventure (plot) about you and your pet, mixed in with historical details to make your story historically accurate.

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