
Friday, September 18, 2015

Week of September 21-25, 2015

We went over background information for "The Giver" this information will help you to better understand the novel as you read.  We met the author, Lois Lowry.  The overview of the novel's rules for example precise language gave us a picture of the strict rules governing the community.  The setting in "The Giver" reflects a utopian society—a perfect world as envisioned by its creators. It has eliminated fear, pain, hunger, illness, conflict, and hatred—all things that most of us would like to eliminate in our own society

The Giver follows conventions from each of these genres.  As we are reading, consider which characteristics of a utopia, dystopia, and science fiction are present in this novel. You will keep a record as you read the chapters so then we can discuss in class. 

Honors Literature:
Genre, Point of View, Characterization
Summarization of Chapters
Symbolism, Protagonist, Antagonist

Students will create accounts and share/join folders.
Introduce Google Docs

-School uniform (white polo and jeans)--Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
-University Shirt--Thursday
-Spirit T-Shirt--Friday
      *If students do not have a university or spirit t-shirt uniform must be worn ALL week.
-No hoodies or pull over allowed.
-Sweaters and jackets must be unzipped and unbuttoned at all times.
-HESTEC trip planned for October.  Students need to bring in $5 for trip.
-Attendance pledge must be signed and returned to homeroom teacher.
-Early Release September 23, 2015


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