
Friday, September 4, 2015

Week of September 7-11, 2015

Thank you Falcons for a very productive week.  We were able to accomplish our goals for this week.  I am very impressed with the effort you show in all you do.  I hope you all continue to work as hard.  Remember that hard work and dedication will get you where you want to go. 

Next week in Honors Literature:
*Plot Summary
*Figurative Language
*Analysis of Characters

Technology Literacy Class:
*continue with Blogs
*Microsoft Word.  Students will demonstrate mastery of the following skills:
Copy            Bold
Paste            Alignment
Columns      Inserting clip art
Text Wrap
Inserting a chart

1. "The Dog of Pompeii" Project due on September 18, 2015
     *Narrative Essay

2. We will start reading "The Giver" by Lois Lowry on September 21, 2015 please start bringing in the $5.00 for the book or buy the book on your own.

3.  Uniforms must be worn on a daily basis: white polo and jeans.  No pull overs are allowed.  Jackets can not be zipped up when worn in school.   Thank you!

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